
JS errors and why concatenation is bad for devs

Right and wrong directions

In this article I want to take on a journey through bad code and show you how to defened yourself from such. Or, more importantly: I want you to know where the problem lies. I'm going to tell you how browsers execute code and why it matters. If you don't have time for full details, you might just want to skip to the end.

PWA: Detecting redirects in service workers

PWA app

Why do you need to detect redirects in a PWA page? Well a PWA is established on a specific domain. You might need to redirect to a new domain at some point. You can easily do it server side with simple commands, but as PWA is cached in a specific way it will remain on the old domain. PWA will not be able to do calls to redirected API because of CORS. And it might never move on because when your admin redirected domains you will not be able to get a new service worker either. So you need to think ahead and plan for this. But how?

How to use Tampermonkey on Firefox mobile

Mobile browsers vs browser extensions. In this article I'll provide a know how on how to use browser extensions on mobile browser such as Firefox. Specifically – how to install Tampermonkey on Firefox. Tampermonkey is the one that allows to install user scripts (custom JavaScript for websites).

IITC mobile dla FF

IITC mobile dla FF to mój zbiór pluginów dla Firefox Mobile, które zastępują aplikację IITC mobile.

Dzięki skorzystaniu z mobilnej wersji Firefoksa można między innymi korzystać z pluginów, które pobierają dane z plików i zapisują dane do plików (np. mój data-merger, czy domyślny overlay KML). Dodatkowo w Foksie o wiele prościej instaluje się pluginy (jak już się ma IITC, to wystarczy kliknąć w link i potwierdzić).

Aktualizacja (2023-05): Zaktualizowałem linki na nową witrynę z wersją rozwijaną przez społeczność. Stara witryna ( przestała być rozwijana około 2018 roku.

Mevo UX

Mevo UX to mój projekt poboczny, który wprowadza poprawki UX witryny Roweru Mevo (rower metropolitalny z okolic Trójmiasta). dodaje możliwość powiększania mapy i zobaczenia ile jest dostępnych rowerów w różnych obszarach.

PWA and HTTP Caching

In my previous PWA article I've covered PWA basics. In this article I will cover more complex situations where a simple Service Worker is not enough. I will also talk about differences between new Service Worker Cache and HTTP Cache and how they interact. That's because they do interact and not knowing how they work together might cause problems.

I assume you have basic knowledge of PWA and you've seen at least a basic Service Worker. If not, please read my previous article first.

From responsive website to PWA in one day

You've probably already heard about Progressive Web Apps, but just to refresh, you are simply building an application from your website. If your application is PWA compatible, users should be able to add a shortcut (link) to the app to their home screen (desktop). The app should also work to some extent off-line, which is done with a help of the Service Worker. Note that by complying with PWA rules you will improve experience for all your users! Not just for mobile users.

In this article I will talk about some basics of transforming an existing website into a PWA. I'm saying those are the basics, but in fact, within a day or two you should be able to create a fully functional PWA. You need to avoid some traps on your way, but I'll try to guide you through this minefield.

IE8 dogorywa – radujcie się

IE8 dogorywa

Półtora roku temu napisałem po angielsku artykuł IE8 must die! Chciałem przekonać nim, że warto powalczyć o zagrzebanie IE8. Wówczas miał on jeszcze 4% polskiego runku. Potem następowały różne fluktuacje, zwłaszcza w okresie wakacyjnym, ale dzisiaj jest już pewność – od miesiąca Internet Explorer 8.0 utrzymuje się poniżej 1%.

Netbeans tips & tricks for running PHP and Node scripts

In this article I'd like to share some tips on creating and running various script based projects (i.e. projects in which you run something in command line). No Grunt or any other additional helper application is required. You just need Netbeans.

Also added a bonus on setting up PHP debugging (XDebug) on Windows.

IE8 must die!

I know what you think - Internet Explorer, argh! But thankfully, IE6 is dead. IE7 share is also rapidly diminishing. What about IE8? Unfortunately IE8 is the top most IE on Windows XP. And this is a favorite Windows distribution for many users still. Long live IE8? Please, no. Here is why...


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